Massage and Energy Work:
I have been practicing massage therapy for 16 years. I have worked in medical offices, OBGYN clinics, surgery centers, hospices and spas. I have a love for lymphatic work and have a level II certification from Upledger Institute. Lymphatic is great for detoxification, water retention, edema, pre or post surgery work, injuries or inflammation. It is a light technique that works on a superficial level on the body to move the lymphatic fluid and increase the integrity of our body's filtration system.
I practice trigger point massage that requires medium to deep pressure on areas where the body is holding tension. Some of these trigger points can be related to emotions.. I work with the individual to create awareness and teach how to let go of the tensions and understand why the body is holding on to certain things.
I am non denominational with my energy practices. I have evolved and continually evolve as I learn more and ask my spirit guides for assistance. I have training in Peruvian shamanism, Reiki, the angelic realm and use spirit guides. I work with your belief system and call in whatever light beings you may need. I use a pendulum to test chakras on the body and can ask your higher self what your intentions and expectations are for your happiness and well being.
I use the same techniques on animals as I do the human. You will see and appreciate your animal in a different way. I use a tool to communicate with the animals and ask questions that will help me balance and clear them of any emotions that do not serve them. In many ways our animals are direct reflections of us and hold on to many of the same emotions that we are. They deserve to be healthy, loved and respected just like we do.